Wednesday, January 2, 2013

goBe 2013 Resolutions

When it comes to resolutions, I’m generally in the avoidance category. If I don’t make a resolution, I can’t fail. I pass off the tradition as clichéd and counterproductive to real change for a large portion of the population – after all, if we see a need for change in our lives we should make it immediately, not wait for the prescribed time for resolutions. But I find I still secretly make resolutions, throughout the year and during the prescribed time. Perhaps it’s just the embarrassment of failing in front of others I’m avoiding and fearful of. If I don’t announce my resolution, there is no accountability, and no one to see my efforts fade away with the passing months. It’s the proverbial tree falling in the forest. My guess is I’m not the only person with an entire downed forest stashed away on a hidden tract.

I’ve always feared failure. I believe it is part of our human nature to an extent for self-preservation. But it can quickly take over a life if not put in check. More recently, I have been challenging the hold of fear on my life; so I’m taking another step by announcing my ‘secret’ resolution for this year.

It may seem like a simple resolution because it’s loosely defined but I assure you it is a mountain to climb. It’s not to work out X number of days, lose X number of pounds, write X number of blogs, or any other quantifiable measure. It’s probably a value that many people already live their life by – I am abashedly jealous of those folks. But for me, it will be a challenge.

I resolve to each day take a step towards being an improved version of me.

There, I’ve published it.

Each day, that step may be different. It may simply be preventing a step backwards. But I want to live a life of constant improvement and learning. Not so that I can dominate anything or be the best of anyone, but so that I can find the true me and enjoy this life. I want to further and fully embrace the spirit in which I developed goBe. To-date it has been like a fantasy, a dream, so vivid in sleep but spotty and surreal in the waking hours.

I’ve put a post-it note of key words on my computer at work as a reminder to myself of my resolution. Each morning, I’ll state to myself what I did in the previous day towards adding value to my being.

Will you also goBe fearless in creating and pursuing your resolutions?

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